It’s time to renew your PCARS membership for 2025! The dues remain the same as last year, and we’ve made the renewal process as straightforward as possible.
By clicking here (https://www.portcars.org/wp/?page_id=11319), you’ll be directed to the PCARS website where you can find the membership form and a PayPal button for quick payment. Please remember that even if you’re renewing, you still need to complete a membership form to ensure our records are up to date. You can scan and email the form to Paul Hyland, KE8EGF at secretary@portcars.org, mail it to PCARS, Box 12, 705 Oakwood St., Ravenna, OH 44266, or hand it to Paul in person. If you prefer not to use PayPal, please send a check along with your membership form or deliver both directly to Paul.
Don’t wait until the last minute! If your dues aren’t paid by November 30, a $5 initiation fee will apply in addition to your dues.
We have a lot of exciting activities planned for next year, so consider renewing your membership now to enjoy our fantastic newsletter, monthly meetings, contests, builds, and other events.
Thanks and 73,

Mike, KP4VZ
PCARS President