Thursday, April 25th, is PCARS Net Night at the Clubsite! Come on out and join us – I’ll be there to open the doors around 6:30 and hang around till about 9:30-10:00. If you’re hungry we can get a round Italian snack.
Bring along something to show off to the group. A piece of gear you really like, something you built yourself, something your working on, and tell us a little something about it.
We will all check in to the PCARS Net from the Clubsite, but if you can’t make it out, don’t forget the net starts at 8:00 pm on the K8IV repeater, 146.895 MHz., PL 118.8. Rick, K8CAV is scheduled as Net Control.
It’s chilly, and you’ve got all summer to mow the lawn. See you at the Clubsite!

Tom wb8lcd