Spratly Islands


Here’s an interesting item:

1S – Spratly Islands
Gil Lapply, 4F2KWT, has successfully renewed his license to operate on Kalayaan, Spratly Islands. He will be using DX0NE. The license is good until May 9, 2025. However, he needed a special permit to operate on Spratly and this was issued but is only good from March 1 until June 20, 2023.

He is now working to get someone to transport him and equipment to the island. He will be working with a team from the DX Chasers Club Philippines, and they are looking at operating during the third week of May for the entire week. They have posted an operating schedule including band plans on their website. If you want more info you can get details at: https://www.qrz.com/db/DX0NE

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