Our next Portable Operations SIG will be on Tuesday, March 12th at 7 PM.
We’ll be talking about Freeze Your Acorns off. How’d you do?
Our next ParkPedition to Punderson SP coming up on April 20th
We’ll also be talking more about the Ohio Get on the air day that came up last month.
So, bring out your show & Tell, and your questions.
We’ll be meeting at PCARS World Headquarters (705 Oakwood St, Ravenna). If you’d prefer, feel free to join us on Zoom. Here’s the info:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 921 5449 1950 Passcode:878917
One tap mobile
+13092053325,,92154491950#,,,,878917# US +13126266799,,92154491950#,,,,878917# US (Chicago)
Hop you can make it! 73, DE WG8X

John Myers, WG8X