Our next Portable Operations SIG will be on Tuesday, May 14th at 7 PM. We have the usual things on the dance card this month. I’m going to be asking some questions about something on my wish list.
The Hamvention forum schedule has a few sessions that might be of interest to the portable operator. A couple of them are specifically geared to POTA and activations. You can read the forum schedule at https://hamvention.org/event-details/forums/
We’ll talk about the April ParkPedition at Punderson State Park, and how it snowed that day.
We never did get to talk about the N3FJP improvement last month. I’ve also seen various logging programs popping up. I can’t believe that they are not driven by the popularity of POTA.
Lastly, what were your thoughts on the EM storms over the weekend? Nothing like turning on the radio to find nothing but dead air.
See you on Tuesday!
As usual, we’re meeting at PCARS World Headquarters (705 Oakwood St, Ravenna). If you’d prefer, feel free to join us on Zoom. Here’s the info:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 921 5449 1950
Passcode: 878917
One tap mobile
+13092053325,,92154491950#,,,,878917# US +13126266799,,92154491950#,,,,878917# US (Chicago)
Hop you can make it!

73, DE WG8X