Our June Portable Operations SIG Is going on the road again. This month, on Tuesday, June 11th, we will be at West Branch State Park. More specifically, we will be at the West Boat Ramp Mountain Bike Trailhead. Which is off of Rock Springs Rd. You can click here for directions.
For more information, you can go to our POTA Field trips page at https://www.portcars.org/wp/club-info/club-activities/pota-field-trips/#WestBranch.
Bring your QRP gear, and make some contacts from POTA park # US-1999! Some of us will be there at 6 PM, but some (me) will be coming from work, so maybe 5-ish? Who knows? Come out and have some fun hanging out.
Also, the guys on the chat group brought up an interesting idea for another event. You can hear more about this on Tuesday.
Sorry, No Zoom this month for the Portable Ops SIG, but we’ll be back at the club site next month.

See you there! 73, DE WG8X