Portable Operating SIG – Tuesday 9/10 at 7pm

Our next Portable Operations SIG will be tomorrow, Tuesday, September 11th.

Last month’s group build of 20 Meter Dipoles was very well attended, But, it got dark before we can test all of them. If you built an antenna at last months SIG, Feel free to come out and we will test them for you. I will have my spider beam mast and we’ll set up as an inverted V.

Since We are just a few days away from OSPOTA, And I didn’t get to play this year, I want to hear how it was for you folks. What worked for you? What didn’t work for you? Etc.

We’ll be meeting at the PCARS world headquarters, 705 Oakwood St, Ravenna, at 7pm.

As promised, here’s the Zoom info (Might not be in use during antenna testing).

Join Zoom Meeting

https:// zoom.us/j/92154491950?pwd=cmZNSlFhZVRmcVg3L3pnazdrK1ZuUT09

Meeting ID: 921 5449 1950

Passcode: 878917

Hope you can make it! 73, DE WG8X

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