PCARS Elections – November 11, 2024

Portage County Amateur Radio SERVICE

Hi everyone,

We have a fantastic club, with incredible members and a GREAT clubhouse. You all know that.

Do you also know that 10-12 people doing 95% of the work for the club?

Next month, we will have our election of officers for the club. Also, we have other positions that need to be filled. Consider running for:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary (appointed by the President)
  • Trustee

Can’t commit to serve on the Board?

  • Antenna SIG coordinator
  • PCARS photographer
  • Membership Chairman
  • Public Information Officer

Can’t commit to the above positions?

  • talk to one of the officers about helping
  • talk to one of the SIG coordinators about helping
  • get involved with clean up days
  • help with FYAO
  • help with POTA activities
  • help with Field Day
  • help with monthly meeting setup/teardown

Even an hour or two each month could make a difference!


73 de W8NET, Gene
HF WAS & DX Net SIG coordinator
POTA SIG coordinator (incoming)

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