PCARS 2024 Field Day Dinner – last day to complete reservation is June 08

I wanted to remind everyone who wants to come out and share Field Day dinner with us that you need to get your dinner reservation in SOON, June 8th is the last day we can take reservations, I recommend that you get your reservation(s) in ASAP. We will have to cut off additional reservations after June 8th. Placing your reservation is easy, just go to the PCARS web site (portcars.org); on the front page (right sided) choose the link in the Field Day Dinner Box and fill in your info. Dinner is free for all members and just $5:00 for each guest.

As a reminder dinner will begin between 5:45 and 6:00 pm, Saturday June 22nd. Please see previous QST announcements for additional details.

Tony WA8AR
Field Day Chairman

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