PCARS Thursday Night Net

PCARS Thursday Night Net Tonight

Net Night Tonight!

Hope to hear you on the air…

On the K8IV repeater, 146.895 Mhz, PL

118.8. And EchoLink on the K8BF-L EchoLink node.



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PCARS Thursday Night Net

This Thursday evening (12/19/2024) will be the final PCARS 2 meter Club Net of 2024. I’m asking EVERYONE to check in! You belong to one of the BEST AMATEUR RADIO CLUBS anywhere – Please Support our Net.

Why? Your participation shows that you care about our club. It shows others that participating in our activities is worthwhile and builds a sense of “camaraderie” between all club members. It’s a good place to hear about all the activities PCARS has coming up. For the new people in our club, and those who might be listening but aren’t members (yet) it lets them know that we are a place where you can find other like minded folks who are getting the most out of our hobby! It’s where you find out who’s doing what.

It’s not mandatory, but I sure hope I’ll hear you on the net this Thursday evening!

On the K8IV repeater, 146.895 Mhz, PL 118.8. And EchoLink on the K8BF-L echolink node.



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PCARS Christmas Party Dinner Meeting – December 9th, 2024

The PCARS December meeting will be held at the Kent American Legion Post 496 on Monday, December 9, 2024. Dinner will be served at 7:00 PM sharp!

This is our annual Christmas Dinner meeting, open to all PCARS members and their families. The dinner will be catered by the Kent American Legion Post. Don’t forget, dinner will be served at 7:00 PM!

After the dinner, there will be a short PCARS meeting and our PCARS Gift Exchange! Please bring a ten-dollar gift and mark it for a HAM or a NON-HAM. (Non-ham gifts should be gender-neutral.)

If you are bringing children, please bring a special gift for your own children, and mark the child’s name on the gift so we can make sure it gets to him or her.


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HF WAS & DX Nets SIG meeting on December 3 (TOMORROW!)

The HF WAS & DX Nets SIG meeting on December 3 (TOMORROW!) will be at 7:30pm, NOT 7:00pm. I will ask everyone in attendance to join me on the 3905 Century Club 40m SSB net and stay for one round (or more). The net starts at 0000z (8:00pm EDT). Depending on propagation, conditions, number of check ins, etc, the first round will be done at 9:00-9:15pm. I will stay until everyone goes or the net closes.

Last time we had a great time, with MANY contacts! I will have some snacks or something to nosh on.

This is also a good way to see NetLogger up close and get some hard-to- get states confirmed!

Hope to see you there on Tuesday, December 3 at 7:30pm!

73 de W8NET Miles “Gene” Marsh
ARRL A1 Operator
3905 Century Club Master #47
3905 Century Club 8th Area Director
Hurricane Watch Net member
Portage County Amateur Radio Service trustee

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PCARS Christmas Party Dinner Meeting December 9th, 2024 – RSVP by Nov 28th

The PCARS December meeting will be held at the Kent American Legion Post 496 on Monday, December 9, 2024. Dinner will be served at 7:00 PM sharp!

This is our annual Christmas Dinner meeting, open to all PCARS members and their families. The dinner will be catered by the Kent American Legion Post. The cost is $21 per plate (plus the PayPal processing fees). The entrees for this year’s dinner will be your choice between Chicken Breast or a 7 oz strip steak. Each meal also comes with parsley potatoes, candied carrots, and salad. Beverages will be available from the American Legion canteen. Dessert will also be provided. Don’t forget, dinner will be served at 7:00 PM!

IMPORTANT! You must RSVP by November 28! You can RSVP today on our website!

Click Here for RSVP!

After the dinner, there will be a short PCARS meeting and our PCARS Gift Exchange! Please bring a ten-dollar gift and mark it for a HAM or a NON-HAM. (Non-ham gifts should be gender-neutral.)

If you are bringing children, please bring a special gift for your own children, and mark the child’s name on the gift so we can make sure it gets to him or her.

All payments must be made by PayPal. Upon submitting your payment, kindly send an email to president@portcars.org to confirm that the transaction has been completed.

If, for any reason, you do not have access to PayPal, you must reach out to the treasurer (Greg, KA8TOA – treasurer@portcars.org) prior to November 26th and arrange for direct payment to him.

27 Reservations as of 11/22/24 14:22 – KB8TUY KB8UUZ KP4VZ WP4PLR AC8QG (+4) AD8FQ AD8IR KE8KBJ KD8WCK WB8OVQ WD8BIW WB8LCD (+1) KD8LIR WA8UWV (+1) K8CAV N8QE (+1) KD9ZDY KD8DFL KD8ERY K8PJW

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