On Site Communications During Field Day

For on-site communications during Field Day use either of the following:

  • 2 meter HT set to 146.550 (no PL tone)
  • Cell Phones: To report any Communications related problem; any safety issue, or INJURY please call Tony WA8AR at 330-844-0140. I am both FD Chairman and Safety Officer and will be available from setup through the completion of tear down. In addition there will be a list of all FD Station Captains posted near the Public Information Table in the picnic shelter.

IN THE EVENT OF A SERIOUS OR LIFE THREATENING INJURY CALL 911 FIRST – Report our location as Freedom Township Park, Portage County,South East corner of SR 700 and Streeter Rd.

ANY INJURY MUST BE REPORTED TO THE SAFETY OFFICER IMMEDIATELY (Tony 330-844-0140) (BUT IF it is a serious injury CALL 911 FIRST then notify the safety officer)

For Station Operational issues: Please FIRST notify the appropriate Station Captain (ASAP) If a problem persists more than a few minutes please report it to me ASAP (Tony 330-844-0140 or on 2m at 146.550).

YES, I repeated some of that info more than once.

Tony WA8AR

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Field Day GOTA Operators Needed

Attention all Technician Class License Holders and new General Class Holders. We need you to come out to the PCARS Field Day site and take a few minutes to operate our GOTA station. This is a great opportunity for Techs to operate HF and those less than a year old Generals to get some quality on the air time. We will be operating from setup till about 7 PM on Saturday and from 9 AM to tear down on Sunday.

It also helps PCARS get some serious Field Day points.

Need to know how to get to the site. Use the following link:


See you there,

Jim, AC8NT

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Antenna SIG QST For Tuesday June 18, 2024

The next meeting of the PCARS Antenna Special Interest Group will be held Tuesday June 18, 2024 at 7:00 PM. We will be in-person at the PCARS club site, and on Zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 992 7385 5876

Passcode: 047804

I don’t remember who on the net last Thursday needed help with their radio, but the person who needs help with their Icom Radio can bring it to the club site on Tuesday so that we can help find out why it’s not working as it should.

The Antenna SIG meetings are open to all PCARS members and guests. All ham radio operators or anyone interested in Amateur Radio are also welcome to attend.

We will be discussing all aspects of antenna design, construction, test equipment, and experimentation. Everyone is welcome to join the discussion, and talk about their antenna related projects with the group.

Looking forward to another exciting year for the PCARS Antenna Special Interest Group.

Bob Hajdak N8QE

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Due to a last minute conflict, the June Flex Net scheduled for Wednesday June 12th is CANCELLED. I apologize for the cancellation and look forward to our next Flex Net in July.

73, Rick K8CAV

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Portable Operating Special Interest Group – New time, New location this month!

Our June Portable Operations SIG Is going on the road again. This month, on Tuesday, June 11th, we will be at West Branch State Park. More specifically, we will be at the West Boat Ramp Mountain Bike Trailhead. Which is off of Rock Springs Rd. You can click here for directions.

For more information, you can go to our POTA Field trips page at https://www.portcars.org/wp/club-info/club-activities/pota-field-trips/#WestBranch.

Bring your QRP gear, and make some contacts from POTA park # US-1999! Some of us will be there at 6 PM, but some (me) will be coming from work, so maybe 5-ish? Who knows? Come out and have some fun hanging out.

Also, the guys on the chat group brought up an interesting idea for another event. You can hear more about this on Tuesday.

Sorry, No Zoom this month for the Portable Ops SIG, but we’ll be back at the club site next month.

See you there! 73, DE WG8X

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