PCARS Monthly Meeting – Monday, March 11

Don’t miss out on our upcoming PCARS meeting, which is just around the corner! Be sure to mark your calendars for Monday, March 11, and join us at American Legion Post 496 on Mogadore Rd in Kent. The meeting will commence promptly at 7:00 PM.

The Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are designed to offer a relaxed environment for PCARS members with common interests in amateur radio activities. It’s a great opportunity to delve deeper into specific topics, exchange thoughts, and gain insights.

During this month’s gathering, the Antenna SIG, Portable SIG, and Digital Mode SIG will give an overview of their focus areas and discuss their goals and activities. Feel free to ask any questions you may have!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 977 9986 7749
Passcode: 575209

Minutes of February 2024 Monthly Meeting:
Click here to see last month’s meeting minutes or use the following link copied to your browser:



Mike – KP4VZ

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Wisconsin and Idaho QSO Parties start Saturday afternoon, Mar 9, at 1900UTC (2PM Local)

PCARS Contesters:

This weekend K8BF will be on the air, participating in the Wisconsin and Idaho QSO Parties. Festivities start Saturday afternoon, Mar 9, at 1900UTC (2:00PM Local) with the Idaho QSOP. It runs until 1900 UTC Sunday.

The Wisconsin QSOP starts at 1800UTC (2:00PM Local) on Sunday afternoon until 0100UTC (9:00PM Local) Sunday evening. NOTE: There is that bothersome time change from Standard Time to Daylight Savings time in the middle of the weekend. (Don’t ask me why we keep changing time. It’s all confusing to me and I hope that Ohio at least stops doing it.)

We will have Four stations on the air and I am hoping that many PCARS members will show up to sit at one of the operating positions, to help our club to another good showing in these two contests.

For those who have not tried contesting or are new to it, this is a perfect opportunity to get started or get some experience in contests that are NOT SO DEMANDING. So come on out and help your fellow members and have some BIG FUN while you’re at it. Hope to see you there.

73 – Chuck W8PT

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Bob Heil SK Links to interesting information

Links to information on Bob HeilK9EID – SK

PCARS Newsletter – January 2014 – Page 21 – PCARS Members Visit Ham Nation – Live from DX Engineering https://portcars.org/files/newsletter/2014/PCARS-Jan-14.pdf

PCARS Newsletter – April 2014 – Page 8 – Bob Heil on SKYPE with PCARS – https://portcars.org/files/newsletter/2014/PCARS-Apr-14.pdf


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2024 Freeze Your Acorns Off

PCARS Members and Friends of PCARS:

Freeze Your Acorns Off 2024 will take place tomorrow, March 2, at the Roy Smith Shelter House in Kent’s Fred Fuller Park.

We will be celebrating our 19th year of holding this event. Those of you who will be setting up a station, you know what you have to do to plan your operation.

As in previous years, the operating format will be a “contest” for all participants that set up a station and operate from the FYAO site. And as in years past, the host site is the shelter house at Fred Fuller Park in Kent. The winner will receive a certificate and his or her name and call sign will be added to the FYAO plaque displayed at the PCARS Club site.

We will also be having our contest within a contest…..the Best Recipe Cook-Off. So as many as you believe that you are great cooks, whip up your best recipe of chili, mac & cheese, spicy meatballs, stew, or whatever your heart desires and bring your dish to pass and have it judged by our “expert” panel of judges. (Judges to be chosen during the event to assure “NO COLLUSION – absolutely NO COLLUSION.)

The contest begins at 1500 UTC (10 AM Local) and ends at 2000 UTC (3 PM Local). For those of you setting up a station, you are encouraged to come one hour earlier to pick your operating spot. Remember, this is a QRP Event so keep your foot warmers at home. (And you know I’m not talking about heavy socks.)

Come on out and set up a station, bring lots of food, invite your friends to see what this is all about, and just have a good time with your fellow HAMS. Most importantly, we’re here to have BIG FUN so I hope to see a lot of you there.

73 for now,
Chuck W8PT

PS: Don’t forget to wear your best Hawaiian shirt!

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Bob Heil SK

The following was posted on the Steel City Amateur Radio Club by N3LRG.

Bob Heil. SK
Posted on 03/01/2024 by N3LRG

Today we say goodbye to our beloved founder, Dr. Bob Heil. Bob fought a valiant, year-long battle with cancer, and passed peacefully surrounded by his family. Bob’s impact on professional and live sound cannot be overstated. Driven by a lifelong passion for sound, Bob’s pioneering work revolutionized how concertgoers experienced live sound. Bob created and developed numerous pro sound innovations and products over the years, some of which are preserved in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum. In 2007, Bob was the recipient of the Audio Innovator Parnelli Award, recognizing his outstanding influence on the live sound industry. Countless artists, creators, broadcasters, podcasters, sound engineers, and sound professionals worldwide continue to be impacted by Bob’s work. While Bob’s presence will dearly be missed, we are immensely proud and happy to honor and carry on his legacy.

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