March Flex Net – March 13th at 8:00 PM

The next Flex Net will be held on Wednesday March 13th at 8:00 PM. This month’s net will take place on 10 meters, 28.35 MHz +/- QRM and will be a phone net using USB. This phone portion of the band is available to Technician Class licensees, so I hope to hear a lot of our Techs on Wednesday!

73, Rick K8CAV

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K8BF will not participate in tomorrow’s (March 10) Idaho and Wisconsin QSO parties due to the anticipated inclement weather

Attention PCARS Contesters (aka – PCARS Black Squirrel Contesting Group):

We have made the decision to cancel K8BF’s participation in the Idaho and Wisconsin QSO parties tomorrow (March 10) due to the anticipated inclement weather.

73 – Chuck W8PT
PCARS Contest Coordinator

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2024 Hamvention Youth Forum Donations

Dear friend and fellow PCARS member,

In the past, PCARS members have always shown great generosity in supporting different youth programs, and I’m confident that this time will be no exception. It’s that time of the year again when we gather our annual donations for the RCA Youth Activities, specifically for the Dayton Hamvention youth forums. Please make your checks payable to PCARS. You can bring your cash donation or check to the next general meeting, or if you prefer, you can mail them to the club’s address.

Once again, PCARS will proudly sponsor the Youth Forum, and our logo will be displayed on the podium sign.

Thank you for your generosity!


Mike , KP4VZ

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PCARS Monthly Meeting – Monday, March 11

Don’t miss out on our upcoming PCARS meeting, which is just around the corner! Be sure to mark your calendars for Monday, March 11, and join us at American Legion Post 496 on Mogadore Rd in Kent. The meeting will commence promptly at 7:00 PM.

The Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are designed to offer a relaxed environment for PCARS members with common interests in amateur radio activities. It’s a great opportunity to delve deeper into specific topics, exchange thoughts, and gain insights.

During this month’s gathering, the Antenna SIG, Portable SIG, and Digital Mode SIG will give an overview of their focus areas and discuss their goals and activities. Feel free to ask any questions you may have!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 977 9986 7749
Passcode: 575209

Minutes of February 2024 Monthly Meeting:
Click here to see last month’s meeting minutes or use the following link copied to your browser:


Mike – KP4VZ

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Wisconsin and Idaho QSO Parties start Saturday afternoon, Mar 9, at 1900UTC (2PM Local)

PCARS Contesters:

This weekend K8BF will be on the air, participating in the Wisconsin and Idaho QSO Parties. Festivities start Saturday afternoon, Mar 9, at 1900UTC (2:00PM Local) with the Idaho QSOP. It runs until 1900 UTC Sunday.

The Wisconsin QSOP starts at 1800UTC (2:00PM Local) on Sunday afternoon until 0100UTC (9:00PM Local) Sunday evening. NOTE: There is that bothersome time change from Standard Time to Daylight Savings time in the middle of the weekend. (Don’t ask me why we keep changing time. It’s all confusing to me and I hope that Ohio at least stops doing it.)

We will have Four stations on the air and I am hoping that many PCARS members will show up to sit at one of the operating positions, to help our club to another good showing in these two contests.

For those who have not tried contesting or are new to it, this is a perfect opportunity to get started or get some experience in contests that are NOT SO DEMANDING. So come on out and help your fellow members and have some BIG FUN while you’re at it. Hope to see you there.

73 – Chuck W8PT

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