Antenna SIG – Tuesday April 16 at 7 PM

The next meeting of the PCARS Antenna Special Interest Group will be held April 16, 2024 at 7:00 PM.

We will be in-person at the PCARS club site, and on Zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 992 7385 5876
Passcode: 047804

The Antenna SIG meetings are open to all PCARS members and guests. All ham radio operators or anyone interested in Amateur Radio are also welcome to attend. We will be discussing all aspects of antenna design, construction, test equipment, and experimentation. Everyone is welcome to join in the discussion and talk about their antenna-related projects with the group.

This week will be hosted by Mike Gonzalez, KP4VZ

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Field Day Dinner Reservations – 2024

PCARS 2024 Field Day Dinner will be served Saturday, June 22 starting between 5:45 and 6:00 pm. Dinner will be delivered to on-duty station operators/loggers first. Dinner for PCARS members and guests will start immediately after.

Dinner is free to all pre-registered PCARS Members. Guests will be charged $5.00 each. I am requesting that everyone who wants to share FD Dinner with us please register by June 8 so we can have enough food available for everyone.

To register online for FD Dinner click the following link:

2024 PCARS Field Day Dinner Reservation Form

Dinner Menu: Rigatoni; Fried Chicken; Parsley Potatoes; Green Beans; Rolls & Butter. Bottled water will be available (no charge); soft drinks may be available (no extra charge).

Please note that to have dinner with us you must be on the dinner registration list. Those on this list will be served first. PCARS members (and paid guests) not registered for dinner may be served after registered members have eaten (if extra food is still available).

Tony WA8AR, Field Day Chairman

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4:1 Balun Build Saturday, April 27th at 9AM-12PM

What: 4:1 hybrid balun build
Where: At the Clubsite
When: April 27, 2024 9am-12pm

This antenna is quite versatile, capable of handling 100 watts and working on frequencies ranging from 80-10m. It can be used for a delta loop or an off-center fed antenna. This is my go to antenna for portable operations. It has not been tested in wet weather so keep that in mind if you’re planning a permanent install. The cost for participating in this build is $40, which covers everything except the antenna wire. The build process is expected to take around 3-4 hours. To join, please RSVP by Thursday April 18th to and payment will be required upfront. Cash is preferred but we can also arrange paypal once you email me.

A small assortment of tools will help the build go smoothly. If you can bring side cutters, and a soldering iron, you can get through most of the build. I’ll bring some small tools that I have to share, but they will be limited. If you are familiar with winding torroids, that is the bulk of this build. We will also be soldering on some small connectors, and bolting the mounting studs in. I will also have a nanovna and dummy loads so we can run a sweep on each build to verify that it is constructed correctly.

The plan for the build is for everyone to have their own instruction manual that will walk you through step by step with pictures. This way everyone will have a visual to follow along with at their own pace. The instructions will also include some basic information on how to test the balun to make sure it’s functioning correctly. Having built several of these, I’ve also come up with a few helpful hints I will include along the way.

Because of the lead time in preparing the kits, I will need to know absolutely no later than April 18th if you are interested in participating.

Brandon KE8ARB

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Portable Ops SIG – Tuesday April 9th at 7PM

Our next Portable Operations SIG will be on Tuesday, April 9th at 7 PM; that is if we haven’t ceased to exist as predicted by the tinfoil hat crowd.

There’s a lot to talk about this month.

The Hamvention forum schedule has been released. I like to sit in on the forums, and try to learn some things each year. The schedule this year is impressive, and you can read it at

We also have our April ParkPedition at Punderson State Park coming up on the 20th.

The WWFF program has added some new parks into the system

A friend has purchased the Chameleon antenna, and is really enjoying it!

Lastly, let’s talk about logging programs! N3FJP has an update that allows us to enter the new POTA park numbers easier; the HAMRS developer is back at the stick, and working on the program.

Or, bring up a topic of your own; See you on Tuesday!

As usual, we’re meeting at PCARS World Headquarters (705 Oakwood St, Ravenna). If you’d prefer, feel free to join us on Zoom. Here’s the info:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 921 5449 1950

Passcode: 878917

One tap mobile

+13092053325,,92154491950#,,,,*878917# US

+13126266799,,92154491950#,,,,*878917# US (Chicago)

Hope you can make it! 73, DE WG8X

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PCARS Monthly Meeting – Monday, April 08

Don’t miss out on our upcoming PCARS meeting, which is just around the corner! Be sure to mark your calendars for Monday, April 08, and join us at American Legion Post 496 on Mogadore Rd in Kent. The meeting will commence promptly at 7:00 PM.

The Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are designed to offer a relaxed environment for PCARS members with common interests in amateur radio activities. It’s a great opportunity to delve deeper into specific topics, exchange thoughts, and gain insights.

During this month’s gathering, the HF WAS & DX Nets, DX/contest, and Could be Anything SIGs will give an overview of their focus areas and discuss their goals and activities. Feel free to ask any questions you may have!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 977 9986 7749
Passcode: 575209

Minutes of March 2024 Monthly Meeting:
Click here to see last month’s meeting minutes or use the following link copied to your browser:

Mike – KP4VZ
PCARS President

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