DX Contesting SIG, Tonight -Tuesday, April 23rd 7 PM

PCARS DXers & Contesters:

Last minute friendly reminder that our DX/Contesting Special Interest Group meeting will take place this evening, April 23rd, at 7PM at our famous PCARS World HQ.

Our discussion will be on the upcoming PCARS participation in the Florida QSO Party that takes place the last weekend in April. We will review the rules for the contest and make a decision on stand alone operations or Network for this event. We will also be talking about our individual participation in other contests in May. So I hope to see many of you in person or attending on ZOOM.

Event: DX/Contesting Special Interest Group meeting
Topic: Florida QSO Party plus other State QSO Parties scheduled in May.
Time: April 23rd at 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 985 2472 1220
Passcode: 088557

73 – Chuck W8PT

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Support Your Parks Weekend -Tomorrow, April 20th at Punderson State Park from 10AM – 4PM

Good morning everyone, Tomorrow, Saturday (April 20th) is our 2nd ParkPedition of 2024. This time we’ll be at Punderson SP (11755 Kinsman Rd, Newbury Township, OH 44065).

It looks like beautiful weather is forecast, but it is NE Ohio, so . . . .

There will be stations set up at the pavilion near the Marina. Just enter the park, and follow the signs to the pavilion, or the archery Range; either oner will get you there.

We’ll be there from 10AM – 4PM. Visitors are encouraged to stop by. You’ll see stations in operation and be able to ask questions. Or you can bring your own gear and set up. There’s plenty of room for antennas.

Punderson SP is designated US-1985 in the Parks On The Air (POTA) program. This weekend is the Spring Support Your Parks weekend sponsored by POTA, so you can expect a lot of In-Park stations on the air all weekend.

Sounds like a great time, right? We’ll also be grilling out. We’ll be doing burgers, dogs, brats. There’ll be homemade baked beans.

Come on out, enjoy the camaraderie, and have some Big Fun.

PCARS 2024 “ParkPeditions”

Coordinates 41°27’41.7″N 81°12’41.2″W
41.461570, -81.211450


John, WG8X

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DX Contesting SIG, Tuesday, April 23rd 7 PM

Once again a friendly reminder that our DX/Contesting Special Interest Group meeting will take place Tuesday evening, April 23rd, at 7PM at our famous PCARS World HQ.

Our discussion will be on the upcoming PCARS participation in the Florida QSO Party that takes place the last weekend in April. We will also be talking about our individual participation in other contests in May. So I hope to see many of you in person or attending on ZOOM.

Event: DX/Contesting Special Interest Group meeting
Topic: Florida QSO Party plus other State QSO Parties scheduled in May.
Time: April 23rd at 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 985 2472 1220
Passcode: 088557

73 – Chuck W8PT

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4:1 Balun Build Saturday April 27th at 9AM-12PM //Today, April 18th is the last day you can sign up!

What: 4:1 hybrid balun build
Where: At the Clubsite
When: April 27, 2024 9am-12pm

Today, April 18th is the last day you can sign up! We still have a few slots still open! If you’ve signed up and paid, I’ve got your kit together with the exception of the torroids that are in the mail. Please email me today if you’d like to attend! bmercer@eutonian.com I’m able to accept paypal if that helps at all.

This antenna is quite versatile, capable of handling 100 watts and working on frequencies ranging from 80-10m. It can be used for a delta loop or an off-center fed antenna. This is my go to antenna for portable operations. It has not been tested in wet weather so keep that in mind if you’re planning a permanent install. The cost for participating in this build is $40, which covers everything except the antenna wire. The build process is expected to take around 3-4 hours. To join, please RSVP by Thursday April 18th to bmercer@eutonian.com and payment will be required upfront. Cash is preferred but we can also arrange paypal once you email me.

A small assortment of tools will help the build go smoothly. If you can bring side cutters, and a soldering iron, you can get through most of the build. I’ll bring some small tools that I have to share, but they will be limited. If you are familiar with winding torroids, that is the bulk of this build. We will also be soldering on some small connectors, and bolting the mounting studs in. I will also have a nanovna and dummy loads so we can run a sweep on each build to verify that it is constructed correctly.

The plan for the build is for everyone to have their own instruction manual that will walk you through step by step with pictures. This way everyone will have a visual to follow along with at their own pace. The instructions will also include some basic information on how to test the balun to make sure it’s functioning correctly. Having built several of these, I’ve also come up with a few helpful hints I will include along the way.

Because of the lead time in preparing the kits, I will need to know absolutely no later than today, April 18th if you are interested in participating.

Brandon KE8ARB

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Support Your Parks Weekend April 20 – Punderson State Park from 10AM – 4PM

Good morning everyone, This Saturday (April 20th) is our 2nd ParkPedition of 2024. This time we’ll be at Punderson SP (11755 Kinsman Rd, Newbury Township, OH 44065).

It looks like beautiful weather is forecast, but it is NE Ohio, so . . . .

There will be stations set up at the pavilion near the Marina. Just enter the park, and follow the signs to the pavilion, or the archery Range; either oner will get you there.

We’ll be there from 10AM – 4PM. Visitors are encouraged to stop by. You’ll see stations in operation and be able to ask questions. Or you can bring your own gear and set up. There’s plenty of room for antennas.

Punderson SP is designated US-1985 in the Parks On The Air (POTA) program. This weekend is the Spring Support Your Parks weekend sponsored by POTA, so you can expect a lot of In-Park stations on the air all weekend.

Sounds like a great time, right? We’ll also be grilling out. We’ll be doing burgers, dogs, brats. There’ll be homemade baked beans.

Come on out, enjoy the camaraderie, and have some Big Fun.

PCARS 2024 “ParkPeditions”


John, WG8X

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