Net Night at the Clubsite – Thursday May 23rd

Tempest Fugit! (Time Flies)

Tomorrow night (Thursday 5/23) is Net Night at the Clubsite again already. You seem to like pizza, so we can get some pizza. We can check into the PCARS Net. As your ARRL Ohio Section Manager, I want to ask you all some questions about Amateur Radio, the ARRL, the future of our hobby and what we need to do to help it survive. I hope we can have an interesting conversation.

We’re going to skip net night next month as it occurs just 2 days before Field Day. In July, our net night will be another PCARS mini-hamfest! More info to follow….. hope to see you tomorrow.


Tom wb8lcd

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Roll-up J- Pole Antenna Build on June 8th from 9 – Noon

Are you in the market for an antenna that can increase the range of your handheld and fit in your pocket or go bag? If so, then I have just the thing for you. Over the last year I’ve built maybe half a dozen Roll-up J-Pole antennas. It’s not my design. It was originally in the September, 1994 issue of QST, then reprinted 12 years later in the newsletter of an Amateur Radio Club in Utah.

On June 8th, I’ll be leading a group build of these antennas. This will take place at the club site that day from 9 AM – Noon.

The cost of the antenna kit, including adapters is $15 cash or $16.05 via PayPal. I prefer paid in advance via PayPal so I can make sure to bring enough kits. But, if you want to give me cash at a club meeting, that’s fine as well.

The J-Pole comes with all the adapters that you’ll need to attach to anything from a SMA (Male or Female, or a BNC. That should be what the Dr ordered for most modern HTs.

For more details, please visit our website at To reserve your spot and order as many kits as you need, just click on the image provided below.

Feel free to reach out with any questions. My E-mail is

73 DE WG8X

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Portable Operations – Special Interest Group Tuesday, May 14th

Our next Portable Operations SIG will be on Tuesday, May 14th at 7 PM. We have the usual things on the dance card this month. I’m going to be asking some questions about something on my wish list.

The Hamvention forum schedule has a few sessions that might be of interest to the portable operator. A couple of them are specifically geared to POTA and activations. You can read the forum schedule at

We’ll talk about the April ParkPedition at Punderson State Park, and how it snowed that day.

We never did get to talk about the N3FJP improvement last month. I’ve also seen various logging programs popping up. I can’t believe that they are not driven by the popularity of POTA.

Lastly, what were your thoughts on the EM storms over the weekend? Nothing like turning on the radio to find nothing but dead air.

See you on Tuesday!

As usual, we’re meeting at PCARS World Headquarters (705 Oakwood St, Ravenna). If you’d prefer, feel free to join us on Zoom. Here’s the info:

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 921 5449 1950

Passcode: 878917

One tap mobile
+13092053325,,92154491950#,,,,878917# US +13126266799,,92154491950#,,,,878917# US (Chicago)
Hop you can make it!

73, DE WG8X

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PCARS Monthly Meeting – Monday, May 13

Don’t miss out on our upcoming PCARS meeting, which is just around the corner! Be sure to mark your calendars for Monday, May 13, and join us at American Legion Post 496 on Mogadore Rd in Kent. The meeting will commence promptly at 7:00 PM.

During this month’s gathering, we are thrilled to have ARRL Field Services Manager, Mike Walters – W8ZY, as our guest speaker. He will discuss the significance of local clubs in the ongoing success of Amateur Radio, and what the best clubs across the country are doing to be a part of that success. Clubs like PCARS! Feel free to ask any questions you may have!

Portage County Amateur Radio Service is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: PCARS Monthly Meeting
Time: May 13, 2024 06:45 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 977 9986 7749
Passcode: 575209

Minutes of April 2024 Monthly Meeting:
Click here to see last month’s meeting minutes or use the following link copied to your browser:

Mike – KP4VZ
PCARS President

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2024 ARRL National Convention at Hamvention

Hamvention 2024
Sponsored by the Dayton Amateur Radio Association
Greene County Fairgrounds and Expo Center
210 Fairground Road, Xenia Ohio, 45385

Friday, May 17th | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday, May 18th | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Sunday, May 19th | 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Hamvention is the world’s largest annual gathering of radio amateurs and has been sponsored by the Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA) since 1952.

Tickets are $26 advance registration and $30 at the door. Includes admission for all three days. 12 years and under are admitted free if accompanied by a valid ticket holder. Junior high through high school students can obtain a free ticket at the will call window.

Meet ARRL Officials and Program Representatives
Stop by and say hello to President Rick Roderick, K5UR, First Vice President Kristen McIntyre, K6WX, Second Vice President Mike Ritz, W7VO, Great Lakes Division Director Scott Yonally, N8SY, Vice Director Roy Hook, W8REH, Ohio Section Manager Tom Sly, WB8LCD, Education and Learning Manager Steve Goodgame, K5ATA, ARRL National Instructor Gordon West, WB6NOA, and many more.

ARRL Youth Rally – Saturday May, 18
Young hams and young newcomers to amateur radio are reminded to register for the 2024 ARRL Youth Rally, which will be held on Saturday during the convention. While Hamvention offers free tickets for youths aged 12 through high school, advance registration for the Youth Rally ($20) includes a t-shirt to wear on Saturday, a badge, lanyard, and reusable tote bag. Advance registration ends Sunday, May 12. Register now.

ARRL Membership
Bonus gift when you join ARRL or extend your membership at Hamvention.

ARRL-sponsored Forums
Enjoy a wide range of exciting ARRL forums and discussions in Forum Room 3.

ARRL Events App
Download the ARRL Event App to help navigate Hamvention on your mobile device. The app includes Hamvention’s full program, so attendees can browse and schedule forums, find affiliated events, and preview the list of exhibitors. During the event, follow the hourly prize drawings. Available for Apple and Android devices, or use the browser version.

Get There!
Check out the ARRL National Convention program guide (PDF). For more information about Hamvention and to purchase tickets, visit

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