Volunteers STILL Needed for Field Day Setup/Tear Down on 22-23 June

Volunteers STILL Needed for Setup/Tear Down

As we have done in recent years I will need at least 7 MORE volunteers to assist the Field Day team with Setup and Tear down of antennas and station equipment. If you have done this before, great, but you do not need any experience to volunteer. The Captain for each station will direct all work for their station. If you are a new Ham this is a great opportunity to get hands-on experience putting up a variety of antennas. Setup has normally been completed in about 2 to 3 hours (more or less). Teardown after Field Day has been done in less than 2 hours. If you cannot volunteer for both, no problem, just let me know which task(s) you are volunteering for (Tony WA8AR tromito99@gmail.com) . The Club will supply coffee and water plus pizza for lunch(s).

Here are the Field Day setup/teardown schedules:

Prior to Field Day, a detailed Safety Plan will be distributed to all volunteers. Each Volunteer must read and be familiar with the safety plan. Each Volunteer must sign, date and return a copy of the plan to the Safety Officer. Distribution of the safety plan will be accomplished at least three weeks prior to FD.

SETUP Saturday June 22

8:30am Arrive on site (meet at the picnic shelter of the Freedom Township Park) PLEASE BE PROMPT

8:40am Assignment of work tasks

8:45am Begin Work

12:30pm Antennas up and ready for testing; power cables strung and energized [Pizza Lunch]

2.00pm Field Day Stations On-The-Air

TEARDOWN Sunday June 23

2:00pm Stations Off-The-Air Work begins immediately [Pizza Lunch served before 2:00]

3:30pm All antennas down and stowed for transport. Field Day over and done.

The only equipment the volunteers need to bring are gloves and safety glasses (REQUIRED). Steel toe shoes are always a good idea. Rain gear is essential (just in case). If shoes/boots are not waterproof an extra pair of dry shoes and socks are a good idea. The club will supply a dozen basic hardhats, but I encourage you to bring your own hardhat if you own one. Hardhats must be worn whenever you are working in an area where there is any equipment (antenna components) or any hardware above your head. Remember that even a medium size bolt falling from 25 or 30 feet can cause serious injuries (or worse).

To volunteer for the PCARS Field Day Setup/Teardown crew just send an email to me at tromito99@gmail.com , Specify if you are volunteering for Setup, Teardown or Both as soon as you can. I will confirm by email.

Come out and help make 2024 another successful PCARS Field Day! Email me with any questions.

Tony WA8AR,
PCARS Field Day Chairman

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ARRL Updates

As of 6/4:

ARRL Systems Service Disruption – Updated 6/4/2024

On or around May 12, 2024, ARRL was the victim of a sophisticated network attack by a malicious international cyber group. ARRL immediately involved the FBI and engaged with third party experts to investigate.

This serious incident was extensive and categorized by the FBI as “unique,” compromising network devices, servers, cloud-based systems, and PCs.

ARRL management quickly established an incident response team. This has led to an extensive effort to contain and remediate the networks, restore servers, and staff are beginning the testing of applications and interfaces to ensure proper operation.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as our staff continue to work through this with an outstanding team of experts to restore full functionality to our systems and services.

We will continue to update members as advised and to the extent we are able.

This story will be updated with new developments.

As of 5/29:

VE INFORMATION – Processing Applications to the FCC.

We have resumed the processing of Amateur Radio License applications with the FCC. This includes applications for new and upgrade licenses, individual applications, and club license applications. Exam sessions will be submitted to the FCC in chronological order, from earliest test dates to the latest. Please allow additional time for our processing as the exam session backlog is cleared.

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PCARS Members who use LoTW:

PCARS Members who use LoTW:

I just received this from Fred Freer, K8IG. He thought that our membership should have this update.

As a result of the IT breach at ARRL, LOTW and processing of license applications and other functions have been delayed.
Recently I questioned Cassandra about progress for the restoration of the LOTW. Here is her response:

“We currently do not have a timeline, they are working on getting all systems back up and running as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding and patience while they work to resolve this.”


Casi Rossiter

Member Services Representative
ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio®
225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111-1400 USA
Telephone: (860) 594-0375 FAX: (860) 594-0303

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HF WAS & DX Nets SIG tonight June 4th, CANCELED


Hi all,

I have to cancel the HF WAS & DX Nets SIG meeting tonight. Something came up last night weekend, and I tried to move it around. But, no avail. I believe our intrepid VP Ken will be there at the club site if you want to be there for a chat and a pop!

I will rearrange the SIG topic calendar shortly.

73 de W8NET, Gene

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PCARS 2024 Field Day Dinner – last day to complete reservation is June 08

I wanted to remind everyone who wants to come out and share Field Day dinner with us that you need to get your dinner reservation in SOON, June 8th is the last day we can take reservations, I recommend that you get your reservation(s) in ASAP. We will have to cut off additional reservations after June 8th. Placing your reservation is easy, just go to the PCARS web site (portcars.org); on the front page (right sided) choose the link in the Field Day Dinner Box and fill in your info. Dinner is free for all members and just $5:00 for each guest.

As a reminder dinner will begin between 5:45 and 6:00 pm, Saturday June 22nd. Please see previous QST announcements for additional details.

Tony WA8AR
Field Day Chairman

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