Field Day Weather


Saturday: will be hot and sunny; 90 degrees by 3:00 pm. Winds 6 to 11 mph. Although no rain is forecast, showers and lightning can pop up, STAY ALERT

Overnight: Temps will slowly fall to 76 degrees. Winds 8 to 12 mph. No rain overnight.

Sunday: Temps 77 to 81 degrees. Winds 12 to 16 mph (possibly higher in thunderstorms). Ran and scattered thunderstorms possible from 8am & throughout the day.

We will be monitoring for the development of Thunderstorms. If lightning is detected approaching a perimeter of 5 miles from our FD site, operators will be warned. If lightning gets closer than 5 miles, operations will be shut down until the storm passes to a safe distance.

Warning: Especially on Saturday, be sure to drink plenty of water. However, simply drinking water may not be enough to avoid heat stroke. If perspiring heavily you must also replace your electrolytes. Special drinks, salty foods or salt tablets are recommended.

Again, stay alert and be prepared!

Tony WA8AR,
Field Day Chairman

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REMINDER – Field Day 2024 – Snacks and Drinks

REMINDER – Field Day 2024 – Snacks and Drinks

PCARS will be supplying plenty of cold water on Field Day, along with coolers and ice. For the days leading up to Field Day, temperatures are forecast to be in the high 80’s; creeping to the low 90’s so please stay hydrated and be careful to get enough electrolytes (salt) . Regardless of the daytime temperatures, the nights can get very cool, so operators need to come prepared. Rain is always a possibility! The Club will also have Coffee and a coffee maker in the picnic shelter. There will also be a microwave setup for heating food as needed.

The Club, as usual, will not be supplying Soft Drinks; please bring your own and if possible a some extra for sharing with others. There will be plenty of extra coolers and Ice supplied by PCARS.

Also please donate chips, pretzels or other snacks for sharing. Those operators work up an appetite burning up the airwaves; making all those Q’s!!!

Tony WA8AR, Field Day Chairman

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Net Night at the Clubsite

Remember – we will NOT have net night at the Clubsite this month as everyone is getting ready for Field Day.

However, we will have our next net night at the clubsite on Thursday, July 25th! Get this on your calendar. We’ll have another PCARS Mini-Hamfest (like the one we had earlier this year) for PCARS members – we may even be able to extend the hours a bit by starting mid-late afternoon…… I’ll have full details for you as we get closer.

In the meantime – I hope everyone has a FANTASTIC time at Field Day!




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On Site Communications During Field Day

For on-site communications during Field Day use either of the following:

  • 2 meter HT set to 146.550 (no PL tone)
  • Cell Phones: To report any Communications related problem; any safety issue, or INJURY please call Tony WA8AR at 330-844-0140. I am both FD Chairman and Safety Officer and will be available from setup through the completion of tear down. In addition there will be a list of all FD Station Captains posted near the Public Information Table in the picnic shelter.

IN THE EVENT OF A SERIOUS OR LIFE THREATENING INJURY CALL 911 FIRST – Report our location as Freedom Township Park, Portage County,South East corner of SR 700 and Streeter Rd.

ANY INJURY MUST BE REPORTED TO THE SAFETY OFFICER IMMEDIATELY (Tony 330-844-0140) (BUT IF it is a serious injury CALL 911 FIRST then notify the safety officer)

For Station Operational issues: Please FIRST notify the appropriate Station Captain (ASAP) If a problem persists more than a few minutes please report it to me ASAP (Tony 330-844-0140 or on 2m at 146.550).

YES, I repeated some of that info more than once.

Tony WA8AR

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Field Day GOTA Operators Needed

Attention all Technician Class License Holders and new General Class Holders. We need you to come out to the PCARS Field Day site and take a few minutes to operate our GOTA station. This is a great opportunity for Techs to operate HF and those less than a year old Generals to get some quality on the air time. We will be operating from setup till about 7 PM on Saturday and from 9 AM to tear down on Sunday.

It also helps PCARS get some serious Field Day points.

Need to know how to get to the site. Use the following link:

See you there,

Jim, AC8NT

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