This Thursday evening is our monthly “Net Night at the ClubSite”. This month will be our Special, PCARS, Mini-Hamfest – live at the PCARS World Headquarters, 705 Oakwood St. Ravenna, Ohio 44266, USA, planet Earth.
Come on out to SELL! Come on out to BUY! Come on out if you just want to hang around and look at what everybody brought out….. just have some cash in your pocket in case you see something you just HAVE to HAVE!
I’ll be there to open the doors by 5:30PM and we’ll stick around till about 9:30PM. If you want to set up outside please bring your own table. No pizza or dinner, but if you want to bring some snacks to pass along that would be appreciated.
Don’t forget – check into the net wherever you are!

73, Tom WB8LCD