Hey all you DXers:
Frank Donovan, W3LPL has reported that “Some of the best summer solar maximum propagation of solar cycle 25 is likely through at least Thursday”. A good time to get on the air and work some great DX.

73 – Chuck W8PT
Hey all you DXers:
Frank Donovan, W3LPL has reported that “Some of the best summer solar maximum propagation of solar cycle 25 is likely through at least Thursday”. A good time to get on the air and work some great DX.
73 – Chuck W8PT
Being a member of a very successful Amateur Radio Club like PCARS is a privilege and is very rewarding. The benefits of membership vastly outweigh any negative points. And giving your time and talent to this organization, not only benefits the other members, but benefits Amateur Radio as a whole.
How? you say. Well, all you have to look at is the impact that PCARS has had on Amateur Radio. Would there have been a National Parks On The Air event if not for our Ohio State Parks On The Air program? I doubt it. Would we have had the attention of the ARRL and other organizations? I doubt it. I think about all the newsletter awards that the Radiogram has garnered through the efforts of Tom Parkinson. Other clubs have stepped up their newsletter efforts in an attempt (futile at best) to match what Parky has accomplished. And what about what we have learned about the talents of Parky and many others who have stepped up to do their part for the betterment of the club.
In November, we will again go through the process of nominating and electing a slate of officers to carry PCARS through 2025 and possibly beyond. But from what we experienced last November…well, let’s just say it wasn’t pretty.
Do you recall how long it took to get a nominee for the office of President? I believe it was almost a half hour.
We know that the office of President and Vice-President are time consuming jobs. But as has been said in the past, being President does not mean that you are alone in the job. There are past presidents and others that can lend a hand, help direct and simply show you what to do. Yes, sometimes the officers of PCARS tend to moan a little louder that they should regarding the job. That may put others off. But every job has its perks and its pits. And not just the President’s office, but all the offices are very rewarding.
We certainly don’t want to become what a former member, some time back, accused us of becoming… An Old Boys Network. We really want to avoid the old adage of a handful of folks do all the work while others sit back and reap the benefits. If it’s the same individuals doing the work, then how can we NOT become an Old Boys Network. If more members don’t step up and DO THEIR PART, then who do we have to blame. And if we don’t have anyone to fill these offices, then PCARS, this wonderful group of people, will cease to exist as a club. And all the effort, sweat and trouble we went through to form the Portage County Amateur Radio Service will have been for naught. I certainly don’t want to see that happen.
We all have gifts and talents that can come into play in PCARS. So, when the PCARS Board puts out a request for nominees for the various offices that will be open, please consider putting your name into the ring. You won’t have to do it alone.
73’s, Chuck – W8PT
It’s time again to collect Inputs for the upcoming edition of The Radiogram!
Have you been working on a project? Made some exciting contacts? Tried something new? Made a change to your shack? Your fellow PCARS members want to hear about it! Share what you’re enjoying in The Greatest Hobby On Earth.
If you’ve never contributed to The Radiogram or if it’s been a while, now is a great time to share something with the club. If you’ve got an outline, I can certainly help you turn it into an article.
Please send your inputs either in a plain old text file with full size pictures to kc8jc@portcars.org by Monday, July 29th.
Thank you and 73!
J.C. Wilson
Are you looking forward to enjoying a beautiful day outdoors this weekend? If so, join us at the Multi-Club POTA event, where we can almost guarantee it. The weather forecast promises sunny skies and warm temperatures—perfect for a day outside.
Three different clubs are coming together to set up four distinct park activations on Saturday. This event is organized by the PCARS Portable Operating SIG and the Silvercreek ARA, with the Cuyahoga Falls ARC also participating.
The event runs from 9 AM to 3 PM. Visitors are encouraged to visit any or all of the activations to experience different operating styles and setups.
The PCARS group will be at Pavilions #1 & #2 at Lake Milton State Park, located on the east side of the lake in the Harry Meshel Picnic Area. You can find directions here: Lake Milton State Park Directions. We’ll provide hot dogs, sloppy joes, and bottled water. Feel free to bring additional food items to share.
The SARA group will have two activations: one at the East Boat Ramp at the end of Gilbert Rd., off Cable Line Rd. Directions can be found here: East Boat Ramp Directions. They’ll serve hot dogs and hamburgers, and you’re welcome to bring sides or snacks to share.
Additionally, the SARA group is hosting a hike-in activation on the Buckeye Trail. Those interested in joining should arrive between 9 AM and 9:45 AM at the East Boat Launch Shelter – 5998 Gilbert Road, Ravenna, OH 44266. The group will leave from there around 10 AM to go to the starting location of the hike at the Park Office.
The Cuyahoga Falls ARC will be at Church in the Valley – 2241 Everett Rd, Peninsula, OH. Directions can be found here: Church in the Valley Directions. For more information about this activation, you can contact Jim, WA3JAT, via email.
Feel free to visit any or all of these operations to see the various POTA setups in action.
There’s a flyer you can download at https://www.portcars.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/MCPE-Flyer-rev20240724.pdf
John Myers, WG8X