DX Engineering Single Band Low Power Dipole Kit Antenna Build on August 13, 2024 from 7:00-9:00PM

When: Tuesday, August 13, 2024 from 7:00 – 9:00 PM
Where: PCARS Clubsite – 705 Oakwood St, Ravenna OH
Cost per Kit: The payment amount for cash or check is $20, while via PayPal the cost will be $21.23
The materials to be utilized for the construction are as follows:
– DX Engineering (DXE-DWK) single band Low Power Dipole Kit
– #14 or #20 Gauge (your choice) Red Stranded Copper THHN Wire
– A Soldering Iron kit will be supplied by PCARS for the construction project.

Builders will be given the option to choose between constructing a 10- or 20-meter dipole. The construction will involve the use of DX Engineering (DXE-DWK) single band Low Power Dipole Kits. This project is sponsored by DXEngineering.

Instructor: John Myers , WG8X

The DXE-DWK Dipole Kits are designed to be user-friendly, with only 6 solder points needed for assembly. The lightweight center insulator and end insulators are essentially printed circuit boards. Once put together, the center insulator can also be used as a wire winder for easy storage in between uses. Both the center insulator and end insulators come with helpful printed information such as OHMS Law, dipole length formula, and tuning hints. The end insulators even double as 6 inch rulers to assist with antenna tuning.

This antenna build is sponsored by DxEngineering

We can only accept 10 registrations due to limited space. Please make sure to complete your registration before proceeding with payment. You can access the registration form by clicking on the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdPppzPU0hd4TlDHyn5vTW9u6xfw41Aar9Itlp0deSYAH8gag/viewform?usp=sharing

You can locate the PayPal payment link at https://www.portcars.org/wp/group-builds/

73, Mike – KP4VZ

PCARS President

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Flex Net Wednesday July 10th at 8 PM

The next Flex Net will take place on Wednesday July 10th at 8:00 PM. This month’s net will take place on 2 meters Simplex FM phone on 147.495 MHz, Technician class licensee holders have full privileges on 2 meters and I would love to see more of our Technicians on this net.

The Flex Net is a great place to contact other PCARS members and QSL for the PCARS A to Z Award. Information about this award can be found on the PCARS web site under the “Awards” tab. The net is a lot of fun and gives valuable feedback on how well your station is operating. I hope to hear you then!

73 Rick K8CAV

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Net Night at the Clubsite “Mini” Hamfest! – Thursday 7/25

For July 25, 2024, our Net Night at the Clubsite will be another PCARS “Mini” Hamfest / Trunkfest! I will open the clubsite at 5:00PM so you can get there and start setting up (even if you can’t get there early you can set up when you get there, presuming there is room.) The official start time is 5:30PM and we will run until 9:30PM (or everyone packs up and leaves).

I can only base my expectations on our last “Mini” Hamfest in February, so I’m guessing/hoping that this will be well attended and that you might find some pretty good deals ! If it’s a nice evening, it could spill out into the parking lot – bring your own card-table and chair.

Come on out and join us! Bring some stuff and put your best price on it. Bring some cash too – everyone will leave with something they didn’t bring. There is no admission fee – but I would ask everyone to bring some kind of snack stuff to share. ( we will not be ordering food as a group )

Don’t forget – check into the net from wherever you are!



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PCARS Monthly Meeting – Monday, July 8, 2024

Don’t miss out on our upcoming PCARS meeting, which is just around the corner! Be sure to mark your calendars for Monday, July 8, and join us at American Legion Post 496 on Mogadore Rd in Kent. The meeting will commence promptly at 7:00 PM.

Ned Sterns, AA7A, will be delivering a presentation on Rig Remote connections at this month’s meeting. Feel free to ask any questions you may have!

Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/97799867749?pwd=VFovbkFxSXhzMnF1Qm9kUDhDaksydz09

Meeting ID: 977 9986 7749
Passcode: 575209

Minutes of May 2024 Monthly Meeting:

Click here to see last month’s meeting minutes or use the following link copied to your browser:


Mike – KP4VZ
PCARS President

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Portable Operations SIG will be on Tuesday, July 9th at 7 PM

Our next Portable Operations SIG will be on Tuesday, July 9th at 7 PM. This month we’ll be returning to PCARS World Headquarters at 705 Oakwood St, in Ravenna.

We’ll be looking back & comparing notes on our Field Day weekends. We’ll also look ahead to the Multi-Club POTA event that is coming up on July 27th (You can learn more about that at https://www.portcars.org/wp/club-info/club-activities/pota-field-trips/#POTA24 ).

As usual, we’ll entertain question, show & tell, and anything else.

Here’s our Zoom info should you prefer to join remotely.


Meeting ID: 921 5449 1950

Passcode: 878917

One tap mobile

+13092053325,,92154491950#,,,,*878917# US

+13126266799,,92154491950#,,,,*878917# US (Chicago)

See you there. 73, DE WG8X

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