From the Radio Club of Tacoma – first annual “Sasquatch Awareness Day Special Event Station”
October 16-21.
Sounds like fun !
From the Radio Club of Tacoma – first annual “Sasquatch Awareness Day Special Event Station”
October 16-21.
Sounds like fun !
There’s a new K9EID – check out
Charlie Hartley is the grandson of Bob Heil and Charlie now holds the famous call K9EID.
Nice to see that his grandson has that call. The information he posted on the website is great! Check it out.
PCARS Contesters:
This coming weekend (Oct. 5-6) we will be participating in the California QSO Party. We will be trying to repeat last year’s performance in which K8BF took first place in the United States, in our category. For that, we received our first plaque for any contest that we’ve played in.
We are looking for operators to put our 4 operating positions on the air. We will be in the Multi-Multi category once again.
We will gather at 10AM on Saturday with the contest starting at Noon (1600 UTC Saturday) and ending at 6PM (2200 UTC) on Sunday.
73 – Chuck W8PT
The HF WAS & DX Nets SIG will meet on Tuesday October 1 @7:00pm. We will check in to the 3905 Century Club 40m SSB Net. Check ins will be at 7:45pm
I will be talking about NetLogger, QuickQSL and ADIFMaster – three FREE apps that make it EASY to confirm and send QSL cards!
I will have something to nosh on as well. SEE YOU THERE!
73 de W8NET Gene
The Portage County Office of Homeland Security/Emergency Management will be holding a ribbon-cutting ceremony and open house for it’s new Emergency Operations Center on Tuesday October 1st from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. PCARS members are invited to attend, the address is 2978 State Route 59, Ravenna (Township). I hope to see you there.
Rick K8CAV