WeeklyVillager – PCARS Field Day Press Release dated 28 May 2024

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May 27 PostScript (Ohio Section News)

Unfortunately, PostScript was not able to be sent out via the ARRL system this week. Below are the links to get to it – I’d appreciate it if you would spread this around where you can!


The links for the Post-script are as follows:



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Inputs Needed For The June Radiogram by May 30

It’s time again to collect Inputs for the upcoming edition of The Radiogram!

Have you been working on a project? Made some exciting new contacts? Tried something new? Made a change to your shack? Your fellow PCARS members want to hear about it! Share what you’re enjoying in The Greatest Hobby On Earth.

If you’ve never contributed to The Radiogram or if it’s been a while, now is a great time to share something with the club.

Please send your inputs either in a plain old text with full size pictures to kc8jc@portcars.org by Thursday May 30th.

J.C. Wilson – KC8JC

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DX/Contest SIG – Tomorrow Tuesday May 28th at 7 PM

PCARS DXers & Contesters:

Last minute friendly reminder that our DX/Contesting Special Interest Group meeting will take place tomorrow evening, May 28th, at 7PM at our famous PCARS World HQ.

Since Field Day is our only event in June, this will be an open meeting to discuss any Amateur Radio topic you would like to discuss. We have planned to enter the NA QSO Party, RTTY contest in July, so we might stalwart to discuss how we will set up for that one.

Event: DX/Contesting Special Interest Group meeting
Topic: Open Discussion plus RTTY Contest in July.
Time: May 28 at 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 985 2472 1220
Passcode: 088557

73 – Chuck W8PT

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K3LR Inducted CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame

Please join me in congratulating fellow PCARS member Tim Duffy, K3LR, for his induction into the CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame. Tim has been a member of the CQ Contest Hall of Fame since 2006 however his lifetime achievements in Amateur Radio are far more extensive than contesting alone.

Tim became PCARS member 308 when he was given a lifetime Honorary Membership to PCARS on September 14, 2015, for his contributions to PCARS’ success as a new club in the Amateur Radio community. Tim continues to support PCARS, and many other clubs throughout Ohio, Pennsylvania and beyond. Thank you, Tim, for your unending selfless dedication to the best hobby in the world! We appreciate you!

Tim Duffy, K3LR, Inducted into the CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame (onallbands.com)

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