OSPOTA @ West Branch, this Saturday September 7th

Hi everyone,

On Saturday, I’ll have an OSPOTA station set up at West Branch SP. My plan is to operate MSL (Multi-op/Single transmitter), and open the operating up to all who want to participate. The shelter by the East boat ramp off of Gilbert Road has been rented for the day. I’ve applied for a 1 by 1 callsign (N8P) to use.

I’m bringing my portable grill, and cooking hot dogs for lunch; nothing fancy.

The contest begins at 10 AM, and I intend to run till 4-5 pm. I’m cutting it a bit short so I can turn in early, and head out to the Findlay Hamfest on Sunday.

All are welcome to attend. You do not have to be a member of any particular club to come out, and get on the air.

Thanks, & 73,

John Myers, WG8X

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