On Site Communications During Field Day

For on-site communications during Field Day use either of the following:

  • 2 meter HT set to 146.550 (no PL tone)
  • Cell Phones: To report any Communications related problem; any safety issue, or INJURY please call Tony WA8AR at 330-844-0140. I am both FD Chairman and Safety Officer and will be available from setup through the completion of tear down. In addition there will be a list of all FD Station Captains posted near the Public Information Table in the picnic shelter.

IN THE EVENT OF A SERIOUS OR LIFE THREATENING INJURY CALL 911 FIRST – Report our location as Freedom Township Park, Portage County,South East corner of SR 700 and Streeter Rd.

ANY INJURY MUST BE REPORTED TO THE SAFETY OFFICER IMMEDIATELY (Tony 330-844-0140) (BUT IF it is a serious injury CALL 911 FIRST then notify the safety officer)

For Station Operational issues: Please FIRST notify the appropriate Station Captain (ASAP) If a problem persists more than a few minutes please report it to me ASAP (Tony 330-844-0140 or on 2m at 146.550).

YES, I repeated some of that info more than once.

Tony WA8AR

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