I know that November is months away. However, some issues need a lot of lead time to resolve. Nick, AC8QG and I will not be running for any offices in November. We will continue to actively support PCARS, but we can’t commit to the time required for an officer’s position. PCARS needs people to step up for President, Vice President and One Year Trustee.
The President and Vice President positions often require a lot of work. These positions require a commitment of time not just for meetings and events, but to support all the behind the scenes activities. Nick and I can tell you it can also be very rewarding.
In the past we have had a difficult time getting people to run for these offices. That is why we are starting our recruitment early. If you are interested in one of these positions, please let Nick or me know. PCARS is an outstanding club, but it does require the support of its members to continue to be great.
Nick, AC8QG nm3w@yahoo.com
Jim, AC8NT ac8nt@j3solutions.com