Field Day

ARRL Field DAY 2025

What is Field Day? According to the Field Day page at, Field Day is Ham Radio’s Open House. During Field Day Weekend, the Freedom Community Park was transformed into a Ham Radio communications complex capable of talking around the world.

Tony, WA8AR  – Field Day Chairman

In June each year as part of the ARRL Field Day, PCARS establishes temporary transmitting stations in a local park (Freedom Township Park) to showcase the science, expertise, and dedication of ham radio to our local communities and country. This event seamlessly integrates public service, emergency readiness, community engagement, and technical proficiency.

Note that all of the rules governing ARRL Field Day can be found on the ARRL website.

Our Field Day in 2025 will once again take place at Freedom Township Park on June 28-29
(see map at right).
GPS coordinates:
41.25741983244375, -81.14557769092598


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