DX/Contest SIG TOMORROW Tuesday – March 25th at 7 PM

Hello PCARS DXers & Contesters:

One more gentle reminder that the DX/Contesting Special Interest Group meeting will take place tomoorow evening, Tuesday, March 25th at 7PM at our World Famous headquarters.

Among our topics of discussion will be the Florida QSO Parties that take place April 26-27. We will be going over the Rules and how we will be operating for these contests and any other topic(s) that members bring up.

As always, the meeting will be available on ZOOM. So I hope to see a lot of members either in person or on ZOOM.

Event: DX/Contesting Special Interest Group meeting

Topic: Various topics as listed above

Time: Mar. 25, 2025 at 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

PCARS K8BF is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 966 8610 8444

Passcode: 915088

73 – Chuck W8PT

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