Category Archives: News

TONIGHT! W1AW/8 at the Club Site and Net Night at the Club Site

It’s going to be a busy night! As you heard, w1aw/8 will be on the air. There will be a PCARS weekly 2-meter net, AND it will be this month’s “net night at the Club site”. August has been a … Continue reading

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W1AW/8 at the Club Site — August 31st

Tomorrow, August 31st, PCARS will represent the Ohio section as part of the Volunteers on the Air W1AW/8 operating event. We will have four stations on the air from 6-10 PM. Everyone is invited to join us for some “Big … Continue reading

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5th Tuesday SIG August 29 at 7:00 PM

Please join us on the 5th Tuesday of August for a double-barrelled hands-on session: Tube Testing Joe W8KNO has kindly made available to the SIG his B&K 747 Dyna-Jet dynamic mutual conductance tube tester. This tester far exceeds the capabilities … Continue reading

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Here’s the September issue of The RADIOGRAM

Greetings PCARS Members, ARRL Officials, Amateur Radio Clubs and other interested people, The September 2023 issue of The RADIOGRAM has been published and is ready for you to enjoy. Here is the link: Hope you enjoy this issue – … Continue reading

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NO Net Night at the Club site this Week

There will be NO net-night at the clubsite this week! (There will be a PCARS net as usual) Instead, we will have our net-night at the Clubsite Next Week on August 31st! This will coincide with the first night of … Continue reading

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