Category Archives: News

REMINDER! – PCARS Christmas Party Dinner Meeting

The PCARS December meeting will be held at the Kent American Legion Post 496 on Monday, December 11, 2023. Dinner will be served at 7:00 PM sharp! This is our annual Christmas Dinner meeting, open to all PCARS members and … Continue reading

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Send a Get Well Card or Get Well QSO Card

Hello PCARS,I received this from our long time PCARS member from Little Rock, Arkansa and wanted to pass it on to you: ————————————-   I had left hip replacement surgery done on November 13th, and ended up staying in the hospital … Continue reading

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December Newsletter Inputs Requested

December 2023 newsletter inputs needed, please. November is flying past, and that means it is time for gathering inputs for the November issue of the PCARS newsletter – The RADIOGRAM! Inputs for the December 2023 issue of The RADIOGRAM are … Continue reading

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Great Lakes Division Election Results

2023 ARRL Board of Directors Election Results11/17/2023 ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio® announces the results of the 2023 ARRL Division elections. ARRL Great Lakes Division Vice Director Scott Yonally, N8SY (2,175 votes), of Lexington, Ohio, defeated candidate Michael Kalter, … Continue reading

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Spot The Station Friday November 17th 6:23 PM

Could be a good pass to watch if the sky is clear. Time: Fri Nov 17 6:23 PM, Visible: 5 min, Max Height: 68°, Appears: 10° above SW, Disappears: 35° above ENE Tom, WB8LCD

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