Author Archives: KD8MQ

QST Antenna SIG – Tuesday April 18th 7 PM

The next meeting of the PCARS Antenna Special Interest Group will be held April 18, 2023 at 7:00 PM. We will be in-person at the PCARS club site and on Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 872 2035 6586 … Continue reading

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2023 Florida QSO Party – April 29th and 30th

ATTEN: PCARS Contesters: Early Warning!!! The 2023 Florida QSO Party (FQP) begins on Saturday, April 29 and concludes on Sunday, April 30. There are two 10-hour operating periods separated by a 10 hour break. Saturday (Noon EDT) til Saturday Night … Continue reading

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Field Day FLEX Station Openings

I still have the below slots open at the Flex Station: SAT 24 JUN 2200 – midnight SUN 25 JUN midnight – 0200 SUN 25 JUN 0200 – 0400 I would really like to have all slots filled so we … Continue reading

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General Upgrade Class- Starting April 19th REMINDER

If five or more register we will be having a General Upgrade Class starting April 19th. If interested please email Jim Wilson, AC8NT or call 330-671-0849. A copy of the complete flier can be found by clicking HERE. Feel free … Continue reading

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April Flex Net April 12th 8 PM

The next PCARS Flex Net will take place on Wednesday April 12th at 8:00 PM. The net will meet on 147.495 MHz Simplex using FM phone. This is a great net for everyone, including Technician class licensees to make some … Continue reading

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