OSPOTA event at West Branch

Hi everyone,

I’m doing something different for OSPOTA this year. I was asked if I could organize a group activity for OSPOTA.

So this year, we’ll have 1 (maybe 2) OSPOTA stations set up at West Branch SP. Operation is open to all who want to get on the air. We’ll be set up at the shelter by the East boat ramp off of Gilbert Road.

I’ve applied for a 1 by 1 callsign (N8P) to use.

You’ll hear more about this as the day approaches, but for now, I need help.

Setting up two stations, and food for the day is a big undertaking for one person, so what I’d like is a volunteer or two to handle the food end of it. It doesn’t have to be fancy. I don’t expect huge crowds. It can involve someone making a pizza run, or grilling hot dogs. Your choice.

We will also need a generator; something RF Quiet. It doesn’t have to be large. a 1KW would be sufficient.

If someone can give me a hand, I would really appreciate it. You can reach me at WG8X.radio@gmail.com. My phone # is 330-936-5021.


John Myers, WG8X



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