North American QSO Party – ckRTTY Mode contest – July 20th

PCARS Contesters:

On Saturday, July 20, we will be participating in the North American QSO Party – RTTY Mode contest. The contest runs from 2PM on Saturday until 2AM on Sunday morning. (12 hours).

We’d like to get a list of who will be coming out to take part in this event and helping to get K8BF to have a great showing.

Right now we are figuring on 2 hr shifts with two stations on the air at any one time. That means there will be a total of 12 shifts. Please email my personal email address: to let me know if you are coming and when you might like to operate. We will try to accommodate all requests. But if there is a conflict, it will be first come first served unless the two parties want to flip a coin.

So send me your email and get on the schedule.

73 – Chuck W8PT

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