Field Day Weather


Saturday: will be hot and sunny; 90 degrees by 3:00 pm. Winds 6 to 11 mph. Although no rain is forecast, showers and lightning can pop up, STAY ALERT

Overnight: Temps will slowly fall to 76 degrees. Winds 8 to 12 mph. No rain overnight.

Sunday: Temps 77 to 81 degrees. Winds 12 to 16 mph (possibly higher in thunderstorms). Ran and scattered thunderstorms possible from 8am & throughout the day.

We will be monitoring for the development of Thunderstorms. If lightning is detected approaching a perimeter of 5 miles from our FD site, operators will be warned. If lightning gets closer than 5 miles, operations will be shut down until the storm passes to a safe distance.

Warning: Especially on Saturday, be sure to drink plenty of water. However, simply drinking water may not be enough to avoid heat stroke. If perspiring heavily you must also replace your electrolytes. Special drinks, salty foods or salt tablets are recommended.

Again, stay alert and be prepared!

Tony WA8AR,
Field Day Chairman

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