It has been a Great Ride serving the amateur radio community, thank you all. From the early beginnings of taking on an ARRL position in the mid-1960s as an AEC, through several terms as EC, then SEC, Section Manager, Vice Director and then as Director, little did I suspect this whole collection of events.
I know as I walk out the door today that many projects continue on the path to improvement, not all are complete and some are specifically designed to continue to grow in scale.
Now, I ask that you give my successor Scott N8SY the same level of support that you gave me over these many years. Our goal must be to continue to grow ARRL and Amateur Radio. The two are inseparably intertwined and the very future of the World’s Greatest Hobby needs your involvement today more than ever.
This year, the Year of the Volunteer, has been a good way to close out, Volunteers on the Air has loaded my log with contacts, most of my antennas stayed up, I did not cook any equipment and I have heard a lot of kind words from this ham community.
And now I send you my Best Wishes for the coming New Year and all that follow.
Thanks, you are the best!
Dale Williams WA8EFK
Outgoing Director
Great Lakes Division ARRL