PCARS Christmas Party, TONIGHT, December 11, 2023

Tonight’s PCARS meeting is our annual Christmas dinner, open to all PCARS members and their families. Unfortunately, the time frame for reservations has closed. To everyone who did not RSVP, I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I look forward to seeing you at many PCARS events in 2024!

For those who will be in attendance, there will be a short PCARS meeting after dinner, along with the usual PCARS Gift Exchange! Please bring a ten-dollar gift and mark it for a HAM or a NON-HAM. (Non-ham gifts should be gender-neutral.)

If you are bringing children, please bring a special gift for your own children, and mark the child’s name on the gift so we can make sure it gets to him or her.

There will be a table with two baskets, one labeled “HAM” and the other labeled “NON-HAM” with slips of paper in the front of them. Put your gift on the table, pick up a slip of paper, write your callsign, and deposit in the “HAM” basket if you brought a ham gift, or, write your name on it and deposit it in the “NON-HAM” basket if you brought a non-ham gift. PLEASE: do not deposit a slip if you did not bring a gift for the EXCHANGE!

Merry Christmas!

Nick AC8QG
PCARS President

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