Portable Operating Special Interest Group – Tuesday, September 12 

Our next portable operations SIG is coming up on Tuesday, September 12 at 7:00 PM. We’ll have more information about the upcoming PCARS ParkPedition in October. Brandon, KE8ARB will be hosting this one.

We’ll also be talking about OSPOTA. Whether you were hunting, or activating, let’s hear those stories.

We’ll be meeting at PCARS World Headquarters this month. We start at 7 PM. The address is 705 Oakwood St, Ravenna, OH.

We will also be available via Zoom.

Here’s the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89732195744?pwd=cldtZmxMcmFqQndhQWtJN0s2NUNnUT09

Passcode: PCARS2022

See you at the meeting 73, DE WG8X

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