July has gone FAST and is just about over. That means it is time for gathering inputs for the August issue of the PCARS newsletter – The RADIOGRAM!
Inputs for the August 2023 issue of The RADIOGRAM are due on Friday July 28th at 8pm. (as always – the last Friday of the month).
Help keep the newsletter interesting to all by sending in your article for the PCARS newsletter. And, don’t forget the in-focus, large format photos as well!!!
Let all of PCARS know what projects or ham operations are keeping you busy.
PLEASE – SEND me some stories and/or comments about Field Day 2023 !!!
It would be very much appreciated if you send your inputs in prior to the deadline.
Send your inputs and in-focus photos to kb8uuz@gmail.com
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Take Care & 73,
PCARS Newsletter Editor