If five or more register we will be having a General Upgrade Class starting April 19th. If interested please email Jim Wilson, AC8NT or call 330-671-0849. A copy of the complete flier can be found by clicking HERE. Feel free to pass this email or the flier on to those you might think are interested. Please register as soon as possible.
Wednesday Evenings 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm. April 19, 2023 through May 31, 2023
License testing after last day of class – May 31st
At the PCARS Club Site located in the Dietrich Building 705 Oakwood Street – Ravenna or Zoom will be available.
$25.00 registration fee for non-PCARS members. The class is free for PCARS members.
Text Used:
ARRL “General Class License Manual” Book may be purchased from DX Engineering or the ARRL
Jim, AC8NT