Ghana (9G4X) DXpedition Announced
The Accra Amateur Radio Club, 9G2DX is hosting a DXpedition next month that includes veteran DXpeditioners: Gregg, W6IZT; George, N4GRN and Hal, W8HC. Rounding out their 9 member team is: Haim, 9G5AF; Bob, W9AP; Joe, K9UR; Curt N2ZX and Zeev 4X5ZS. They will be QRV March 22-30 including participation in the CQWW WPX Phone Contest March 25-26.
The DXpedition has been granted a special callsign, 9G4X for use during their 8 day operation from the Sankofa Beach House Resort located on the coast south of Accra in Langma Village. During the contest 9G4X will operate in the M/2 category while outside the contest, the team will operate 3 stations 160m-10m with a 4 th station dedicated to 6m as well as a 5 th station QRV on QO-100. Their modes will include CW, SSB and FT8.
The team also looks forward to working with some of the local 9G hams sharing DXpeditioning and contest operating experiences that they hope will encourage the locals to pick up and continue after departure.
73 – Chuck W8PT