The Could Be Anything SIG (held on the 5th Tuesday of the month) will be January 30, 2024. We have a special event this time so we will open the doors at 5:00 p.m. at the club site to welcome the Replay for Kids team.
Replay will provide tools and parts and we will provide labor and expertise to repair toys that have been modified for special needs kids, and get them back into service with the kids.
Our session will run from 5:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. Please stop in at any time that works for you.
This time, in addition to the mechanical and electrical repairs that we have done in the past, we’ll have the opportunity to do a little carpentry and painting to make some seats for ride-on cars. I’ll bring sawhorses and a circular saw, Replay will provide paint, brushes and needed tools. We’ll saw outside the bay doors to keep the dust down.
At our December meeting I had a conversation with a member interested in painting or sewing and craft repairs if that would be needed. I have asked but don’t yet know for certain that there will be the opportunity to do sewing repairs. I will update this information in another QST a day or so before the event.
So mark your calendar for Tuesday January 30 and plan to come down to the club site any time between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. for another fun hands-on work session.
73 de Rick KD8WCK